Before You Buy an Air Purifier, Compare the Filtration Levels

Before you buy an air purifier, you should compare the filtration levels of the different devices available to you and consider these criteria when purchasing your air purifier. As for people with allergies or asthmatics, by choosing a suitable model, they will undoubtedly perceive a difference and can avoid unpleasant symptoms. Also, a device that is under-sized or used in several areas will be much less efficient.

But why do you need an air purifier and how should one choose an air purifier? Sound level is an essential point because your air purifier accompanies you on a daily basis. Depending on the size of your area to be treated, it will be necessary to adapt the size of the device. Therefore, you may wonder, “What is needed to filter our indoor air?”

For optimal air filtration, air mixing must be limited to a specific area, i.e., each partitioned space must have a device of its own. The principle of an air purifier is to remove air pollution which is by definition extraordinarily volatile and elusive. These are also devices that come in several different model types. If you wish, you may also purchase used catalytic and thermal oxidizers to replace these elements in your air purifiers.

Even more, than outside, our interiors are polluted by numerous undesirable particles, tobacco smoke, pollen or mites. Indeed, with a centralized solution, an air purifier may expel contaminated air outside and to filter the air that is brought in from the outside. If allergy sufferers or asthmatics suffer from visible symptoms, for all others, this pollution is usually imperceptible.

Remember, the ability of purifiers to retain pollutants depends on many things, including the particle size of the contaminants. To get an idea of their dimensions, you have to know that hair measures 60 microns, and pollen measures up to 40 microns. Some devices also have a 1cm high-density activated carbon filter that accelerates the decomposition of ozone and the elimination of unpleasant odors.
Many air purifier devices use a filter containing activated carbon balls filtering and eliminating toxic gases such as ammonia vapors, bad smells, formaldehyde, bleach, hydrogen sulfide, benzene, etc. Activated carbon filters also allow you to remove the ozone when there is too much in your atmosphere. Anything that is considered as pollution of physical origin (particles big enough to be visible) or biological (mites, molds, pollen, etc.) can a priori be eliminated by doing a lot of cleaning, but these contaminants return very quickly.

The activated carbon filter should be able to capture these substances. However, there remains a risk of release, and this is referred to by most manufacturers. Manufacturers therefore sometimes refer to the “quality” of the filter, sometimes to the amount of carbon contained or even to a limited lifetime of activated carbon (which would be much shorter than some other filters, at most one month). Remember, the size of the first air purifier devices was significantly reduced to accommodate healthcare centers that wanted to prevent the spread of germs and viruses in medicalized environments.